Introducing the Spirit Parallels: A Duty Given By God to Protect Others


August 31, 2021: In an earlier blog, I introduced the concept of some souls (e.g., the Blueprinters and the Blueprint Coordinatorsincarnating on Earth due to having a specific job to complete. As a result these souls often identify more to this job description than their initial place(s) of incarnation. These Blueprinter souls are very well known to other Akashic Record readers and come up in readings frequently. However, I inadvertently stumbled upon the Spirit Parallel job title while reading a clients’ soul record. Just like past experiences with all my other new discoveries in the Akashic Records, I have since been reading for other clients who also have this Spirit Parallel distinction. These souls are very different from the Blueprinter souls in both what they are here to do and how experienced they are with our earthly realm. The majority of Spirit Parallels have had few earthly incarnations, which is the opposite of most Blueprinters as those souls have been incarnating here since Earth’s inception.


Spirit Parallels are divided into two types: reccurring and special assignment


If a soul comes up as a Spirit Parallel, that means they have volunteered for and been approved by God/Source for a  special mission here on Earth. All Spirit Parallels are starseeds. These starseed souls that originally came from another realm, other than Earth, identify so strongly with their mission here that their soul group of origination may be obscured in the Akashic Records or if their original soul group is still showing it will be a small percentage of identification and affiliation. It seems to be a great honor to be chosen to take on this job. There are two groups of Spirit Parallels, the recurring type and the special assignment type. At this moment in our Earth’s journey of ascension, I am told the percentage break down of ‘recurring’ Spirit Parallels is 59% and 41% are here on ‘special assignment.’

The recurring type who have been consistently incarnating as Spirit Parallels have been doing this job for approximately 1,500 years. Although, I have seen one Spirit Parallel soul serving in this capacity as early as 2,300 years ago. Souls with this particular job title are usually from very high dimensional places of origination and Spirit says these souls frequently originate from Alphirk, Ankaa, and Zavijava. However, I have seen Schedarian, Polarian souls (7th dimension), and Nof souls with this distinction as well. Ankaa and Zavijava resonate with the same frequency, some of the highest in our Universe, the 15th dimension. While Alphirk resonates at the 9th dimension. Some Alphirkians have been chosen for this job due to their naturally strong energy fields.

If a soul is a special assignment type Spirit Parallel, this is their first and only lifetime doing this work. There are many more special assignment souls here at this time due to the massive changes happening on Earth and hence offering the support and protection that is needed. However, these souls will come from a wider variety of soul groups such as, Alderamin, Ankaa, Pleiades, Arcturus, and even souls from other Universes. Those souls on special assignment are just as powerful energetically as the recurring ones.


All Spirit Parallels possess specific qualities and qualifications


These souls have all held leadership positions on Spirit side and are very trusted. Often times, these souls that incarnate as Spirit Parallels prefer to exist on Spirit side rather than incarnate into the physical. They all have very few earthly incarnations under their belt (with an average of 10).

The consistently incarnating Spirit Parallels have specific training qualifications, they frequently (but not always) have the same energy center of training, the most grounded one, at the root chakra. Although I have seen Spirit Parallels with all energy centers of training at least once. Even though these souls are from the highest dimensional locations in this Universe and beyond, they will be very grounded and ‘down to Earth’. This intensity of grounded energy they posses is by design so that they can have an easier time to complete their mission while on Earth. These souls have gifts that provide them protective natures towards others and gifts that make them competitive and always strive for perfection.


Regardless of their subtype, the Spirit Parallel mission is the same


Spirit Parallels are mandated by God to guide, protect, and support other souls who are specifically here to contribute to the betterment and ascension of Earth. These Spirit Parallel souls are always other-focused and typically have support lifetimes. Their primary objective is not to learn life lessons but they do choose some to work on some slowly when incarnated on Earth to keep life interesting while here. The majority of Spirit Parallels are completely unaware of their job here and they primarily work via their energy as energetic ‘markers’ when on Earth. To the Spirit Parallel individual their work is completely unconscious, but they may recognize when it’s brought to their attention that they will feel somewhat more protective over the soul they are tasked with protecting. Since these souls are often ‘down to Earth’, especially the recurring group, they would not usually seek out an Akashic Record reading. Perhaps that is why this group has gone unnoticed until now. The Spirit Parallels tend to have back-to-back incarnations on Earth once they begin their work.

Spirit Parallels will sometimes protect the same souls over many lifetimes and incarnations. A Spirit Parallel may even protect various members throughout a family line over generations. This is not always the case as occasionally the Spirit Parallel is assigned to one soul for just one lifetime when they are needed and that’s it. Nonetheless, they are always placed very close to the person/soul they are protecting. Spirit Parallels are intelligent, serious, and tenacious men and women when incarnated. They are good at working within partnerships, they speak their minds, and have protective natures. Since they are here to complete a mission they often will not have to worry about finances or struggle to obtain their basic needs as their focus is not on survival. When a Spirit Parallel incarnates on Earth, a part of their consciousness is still anchored in Heaven or Spirit side. This means they are experiencing life both on Earth and in Heaven simultaneously. As a result these souls may find it difficult to be fully present in life; they can often appear spacey or off in their own world. While this can be frustrating for those around the Spirit Parallel soul, it is of no issue for them personally.


A soul is here for an important mission if you are assigned a Spirit Parallel in this life


There has been a concentration of Spirit Parallel souls present on Earth during Imperial China, in Palestine, in Europe during the Middle Ages, and during World Wars I and II. At present time there are only 5,000 Spirit Parallels incarnated on Earth. A soul is extremely fortunate to be given a Spirit Parallel in a lifetime and should consider it a great honor as God deems you so important that you are given extra protection by a powerful soul. Another important note on Spirit Parallels is that they, in rare cases, can be a human soul protecting an animal soul. Occasionally, a Spirit Parallel may also be strategically placed so that they are protecting a group of souls and not just one.

Do you feel very protective over someone in your life and you don’t know why? If so, you could be a Spirit Parallel tasked with the duty of protecting that soul. Find out by having your Akashic Record read by me.

About Erin Lynn

Akashic Record Reader and Researcher

When not channeling information from the Akashic Records, you will find me planning an international adventure, gardening, being in nature, or spending time with my husband and animals. I live on the East Coast of the U.S., my favorite color is blue, and my soul group of origination is Arcturian.

What others are saying

“Erin is fantastic at what she does. I never felt for a minute like I was being told what I wanted to hear. Everything resonated with me, and I enjoyed the way she detailed the information she provided me. Highly recommended!”

– Gabriel L., Frazier Park

“My reading with Erin was fantastic! She is very thorough and answered all of my questions. The information she obtained about my record was invaluable. It helped me confirm that l am on the right path and the gifts and lessons to focus on in this lifetime. Thank you Erin!”

– Kristin S., New Jersey

“My reading was a revealing process into my souls entire existence from the beginning till present, and at times it left me speechless. The reading was done professionally and with kindness, so that these revelations could be processed and understood in the context of my present being. She was clear and concise in her explanations and I will never forget the evening of the reading which I refer to as a spiritual axiom. From that moment on my life became completely different as I became aware of my entire spirit and a feeling of calmness slowly filled me. I highly recommend anyone to have their Akashic Record read by Erin. The respect, support and thorough explanations made it a complete and comfortable experience.”

– David S., Wilmington, DE

“If you want to know how old your soul is, which star system you came from, how many lifetimes, what special skills and gifts you have, why you are here on Earth now, what is your purpose, how come you just know some things and not know how or why, and so much more. You’ve come to the right being in Erin to find the answers to those questions plus answers to things you hadn’t thought about.

I live in Australia, Erin in the USA, so we had our meeting via Zoom to discuss the reading. Erin and I are strangers, yet she was telling me about my likes, dislikes, character and traits, strengths and weaknesses that only I know or suspected. Erin was so spot on with so many things it was uncanny. All done with respect, it was like having an old friend talk to you about your life/lives. Her skill as an Akashic Record Reader is outstanding and the calm manner she has in sharing your record with you is re-assuring.

Erin, respect and much love to you for the information you gave me through your skill, it has helped me greatly and put many things into perspective.”

– Richard C., Brisbane, Australia